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Woodall Public Schools

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New Student Enrollment 2024-2025

Sep 24, 2020

Woodall School uses online registration to complete the enrollment/application process. This can be done on any computer, tablet or even your smart phone. If you do not have access to one of these, please call our office at 918-456-1581 to set up a time to come use our enrollment kiosk.   Please take a few minutes to watch the video below for a demonstration on how this process works.   It will answer many of the questions you might have.  Please note that only the legal parent/guardian are . . .

Student Transfer

Apr 1, 2024

Thank you for visiting our website to learn more about our student transfer policy. We appreciate your interest in Woodall Public School. We do our best to welcome additional students to our district whenever it is possible. Woodall Public School will make decisions about student transfers in accordance with district policy and state law. You can view our district transfer policy below; however, we are providing the following information for your convenience: The State Department of Education requires . . .